16 June 2019

Live the challenge!


Join one of the teams that will be involved in the implementation of digital co-creation projects for well-being and sustainable development! Find out the details of the 2024 challenges on the homepage and candidate by making available your digital skills or your experience in the framework of the three dimensions of well-being selected for the event.

During the 48 hours of Hackathon, teams will be able to create a pitch, a prototype or a product to present in front of an international jury for the award of individual prices and special prizes to enter business accelerating programmes. The deadline to propose projects for SHU2024 was last Friday 24 May! Contact us at info@egina.eu if you want to join one of the competing teams.


The digital training programme of the “Social Hackademy Lab” is structured on four main competecnes – Design Thinking, Illustrative Design, Web Design, Digital Storytelling – and is characterised by a strong practical-workshop focus, with online meetings run by experienced mentors and group work. The workshops are mainly designed for NEETs, but representatives of Local Organisations can also participate.

Differently from the majority of the hackathons, which are usually addressed to IT experts and base their marketing strategy on the availability of cash prizes or the access to business acceleration programmes, a Social Hackathon is characterized by the protagonism and collaboration of people who have a low level of digital skills and take part at the hackathon with different roles, but all with the expectation of learning new skills while having fun and contributing to the development of a digital solution at social impact.

The Social Hackademy project has elected the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN Agenda 2030 as the main framework for the identification of relevant social challenges to be addressed at local level with the active engagement of Civil Society Organizations. These goals represent universal, transformational, and inclusive tendencies that describe major development challenges for humanity. These SDGs aim to secure a sustainable, peaceful, prosperous, and equitable life on Earth for everyone now and in the future.


In 2024, the Social Hackademy will be realised thanks to the contribution of a fantastic team of mentors!

Andrea Succhielli
Illustrator, graphic designer, prop maker, spare-time cosplayer, creative spirit and ‘digital craftsman’. He has been working with EGInA since 2020 as a graphic designer, illustrator and ‘multimedia’ worker.

Cristiano Longobardo
Born in 1971 in Sicily, he divides his life between graphic/web design and his passion for music. He has been part of the EGInA team since 2020, and for some time now has found the activity of trainer very fulfilling.

Bianca Bisiach
Documentary photographer and video editor. She focuses on creative thinking processes and audiovisual project development to help students find their voice and promotes inclusive and transversal learning approaches.


Participation is open to individuals, teams of innovators and representatives local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) including NGOs, non-profit associations, and any other type of public and private organisation that works for or supports the third sector and the society in general.
Applicants can candidate to support one of the Social Hackademy projects or propose any sort of digital solution that is relevant to their internal and/or external needs and that respects the following selection criteria:

  • social relevance: is the digital project relevant to at least one of the challenges proposed by the Social Hackathon Umbria?
  • local community impact: will the digital solution have an impact on the CSO development and/or on the quality of services provided to disadvantaged target groups?
  • feasibility: is the project idea in line with the skills and knowledge acquired during the Social Hackademy online labs? Is it possible to develop it during the 48 hours of Hackathon?


Thursday 4 July
18:00 – Presentation of the final projects to be developed in #SHU2024 and teams composition
20:00 – Official start of Social Hackathon Umbria 2024
Friday 5 July
Thematic workshops and social activities will be organized for Hackathon participants
Saturday 6 July
15:00/17:00 – Open doors for the public to see and evaluate the works done by the hackers’ teams who are competing for #SHU2024
20:00 – Deadline to submit the final projects
Sunday 7 July
9:30/13:30 – Presentation, evaluation and award of the projects developed during the Social Hackathon Umbria 2024


  • The chance to work with young hackers who have participated in one of the training courses offered by the Social Hackademy Lab and are eager to put their skills to use in innovative ideas for sustainable development.
  • Fully covered participation for two representatives of the CSO in three days long Social Hackathon for the co-development of digital solutions to societal challenges.
  • Attendance certificates and release of an open-source digital solution that will empower the operational and strategic potential of the participating organizations.


  • Active participation and teamwork
  • Use of your own hardware and software
  • Food and accomodation offered by the organizing body
  • Develpoment of orginal material and contents
  • Release of the final digital product licensed under Creative Commons Attribution – Non-commercial 3.0 Italy (CC BY-NC 3.0 IT)
  • Respect for the premises made available and the rules indicated by the organizing body